
Exonaut named in Gartner BCM and Pandemic Management Software publications

We are pleased to announce that Gartner has listed Exonaut® in its 2021 Business Continuity Management Software Ecosystem publication

4C Strategies are pleased to announce that Gartner, the global research and advisory firm, has acknowledged our Exonaut® software platform in its 2021 Business Continuity Management Software Ecosystem publication.

In addition to Business Continuity Management (BCM), Exonaut solutions are also named for the Crisis / Emergency Management Solution (C/EM), and Pandemic Management Solution vendor mapping areas.

Gartner also calls out 4C Strategies as a compliance management software provider in its “Managing Regulatory Changes for COVID-19 and Beyond” publication. The report offers best practices and solutions to help application leaders bring order to their organizations, both in the immediate crisis of COVID-19 and beyond.


“We are thrilled to be recognised among the market leaders in BCM software, following Exonaut’s inclusion in Gartner’s 2020 Market Guide for Crisis and Emergency Management Solution. Our software suite is continually evolving with our BCM subject matter experts to ensure it meets international standards and industry best practice.”

Magnus Bergqvist, CEO, 4C Strategies

Gartner’s strategic planning assumption is that by 2025, 75% of BCM programme ecosystem solution purchases will be suite solutions, as integrated platforms, such as Exonaut, will continue to eliminate the siloed model of managing operational risk.

The following benefits of implementing a Business Continuity Management Planning (BCMP) solution are highlighted:

  • A structured and consistent approach to BCM planning and exercising that saves time in recovery plan management
  • Effective reporting on the trends and status of the BCMP programme activities, roles, resources, et al
  • Understanding relationships between business functions and resource usage (such as workforce, facilities, IT, suppliers/third parties, equipment)
  • Tracking BCMP awareness and education performance
  • Real-time and interactive capability when responding to a crisis with activity logging for evidentiary purposes
  • Leveraging recovery data to move the organisation to higher levels of maturity and organisational resilience
  • Enabling a knowledge base of organisational processes so that organisational changes do not derail the effective management of continuity of operations

Find out more about our BCM software and services, and how they complement each other in our projects.

Exonaut featured in Gartner's 2020 Hype Cycle for Risk Management report

Exonaut featured in Gartner’s 2020 Hype Cycle for Risk Management report

4C Strategies are pleased to announce that Gartner, the global research and advisory firm, has listed our Exonaut® software platform in its 2020 Hype Cycle for Risk Management report.

Exonaut featured in Gartner Crisis / Emergency Management Solutions

Exonaut featured in Gartner Crisis / Emergency Management Solutions

We are proud to announce that Gartner has listed 4C Strategies as one of the Representative Vendors in its 2020 Market Guide for Crisis/Emergency Management (C/E M) Solutions.

Exonaut featured in Gartner Pandemic Management Solutions

Exonaut featured in Gartner Pandemic Management Solutions

4C Strategies offers specific pandemic support for our clients and wider network,  including pre-configured software solutions to securely track, verify and visualise response efforts.

About Exonaut

Exonaut® is 4C Strategies’ market-leading readiness management software platform, comprising fully integrated solutions for Risk, Business Continuity, Crisis Management, Compliance, Training and Exercises. To meet the security demands of governments, critical infrastructure providers and the armed forces, Exonaut is accredited to NATO Secret level, Cyber Essentials Plus and the highest international standards.

As both a software company and management consultancy, 4C Strategies has a proven track record of delivering readiness solutions for mission critical environments. 4C’s software developers work closely with our subject matter experts to ensure that Exonaut drives innovation to meet customer needs and industry best practice. Exonaut is available on-premise, as a cloud-hosted solution, or with a hybrid option.

Exonaut continues to evolve based on lessons identified in our long-term partnerships developing software for the needs of the European External Action Service, NATO, the British ArmyTele 2ISS Facility Services and others.


Want to learn more?

Discover how you can build, verify and track your organisational resilience with our training and exercise services and Exonaut® software solutions.

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Case studies

Priority planning in an energy crisis with a National Energy Authority

Discover how 4C is supporting Styrel to map, prioritise and protect electricity-dependent critical societal functions.


Creating a standardised BCM methodology with Uniper

Read how 4C created and implemented an ISO22301 standardised Business Continuity Management methodology with energy provider Uniper


Preparing a global manufacturer for ISO accreditation

Discover how 4C Strategies helped a global manufacturing company to prepare for ISO accreditation.


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